CTM views minds as an organizational entity

In conclusion, CTM views minds as an organizational entity that operates by classifying the data since, in CTM's view, minds are computing devices. Human intelligence, the capacity for evolution, and the particular cognitive and perceptual processes of the human mind make up the differences between a mechanical or digital computer that computes and the human mind. However, CTM claims that both of them fall under the category of computing devices because the mind is what logically recognizes and classifies incoming information in accordance with its intended purpose. The capacity for change and redetermination, which is based on the capacity for self-recognition, is what distinguishes the functions of the human mind from other organisms.

In this manner, the mind recognizes, classifies, and reclassifies itself according to the recognition and redetermination of its own attributes, much to how one points their mind's eye on anything (Descartes, 2008). As a result, CTM depicts a duality between the sensory and the cerebral processes and reduces the latter to computer activities. As a result, the mind's computational processes classify senses, feelings, and emotions and act accordingly. Due to the distinction between human mental behavior and the mental behavior of machines, it can be inferred from the theory's development that the function of the mental processes' self-determination occurs during the process of redetermining behavior.

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