Poetry and Its Relevance Today

One of the most important literary genres in popular culture at one point was poetry. It is now disregarded in public dialogue and communication because it is pompous, arrogant, and out of date in the current, digital era. Poetry is "strikingly absent" from "the public debates of our day," according to Barr (2006). (p. 434). As further proof of the loss in popularity of poetry, he notes that "a century ago our newspapers routinely ran poems in their pages... today one rarely finds a poem in a newspaper" (p. 434). In contrast, "the most peculiar trait of [the] entire culture [was] that it was completely insane with poetry" in the nineteenth century.

Poetry has lost its hold on culture today; it is no longer a topic of popular interest and has faded into literature's background. The collapse of print culture is one reason for poetry's demise. Reading has ultimately been replaced by more informative and entertaining forms of communication as more practical modes of communication have emerged with the development of digital culture. Literature's "position in the culture has changed significantly over the past few decades," according to Gioia (2003), rather than a decline in literary output. Jack Foley draws attention to the fact that "writing is starting to seem 'old-fashioned' at the moment."

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